Code of Conduct
The Purpose of The Code
The purpose is to establish robust and efficient rules and regulations which will help create an internal control system to overview actions and workflow to ensure the association objectives are being met.
It ensures:
- A foundation for a system of internal controls.
- Guidance in areas not controlled by laws or regulations.
- Criteria for decisions on appropriate treatment.
When consistently applied throughout, it provides a system of checks and balances intended to identify irregularities, prevent waste, fraud, and abuse from occurring, and assist in treating everybody in a fair and consistent manner.
This document governs WOBs JO practices and principles.
Circumstances may require making some changes in this document from time to time. Thus, all changes are to be approved and signed by all board members.
The association and its members must, at all times, comply with regulations, instructions and all applicable laws, whether it is internal laws regulating, discrepancies, penalties, and regulations executed in relation to it, including termination and necessary procedures and all matters required by nature of work or any laws or instructions and regulations that will be issued by the association.
WOBSs JO Code Ethics
The very same WOBs JO core values of “Honesty & Integrity, Transparency, and Social Responsibility”
Represent the pillars of WOBs JO Code of Ethics so that it serves the association’s best interests with an uncompromising
commitment to integrity in a Discrimination- Free environment.
Members Code of Conduct
Members’ Personal Responsibility
All members must accept personal responsibility for compliance with this code of conduct and are expected to:
- Comply with WOBs JO values, an uncompromising commitment to integrity in dealing with all related parties we work with and the services we provide.
- Preserve the association’s reputation and work environment through their actions and behaviors.
- Compliance with all applicable legislation.
- Restrain from prohibited actions or behavior that are regarded as misconduct.
Perform duties with care, diligence, professionalism, and integrity. - Observe appropriate acts, regulations, determinations and lawful directions that relate to the performance of their duties, and treat colleagues with courtesy, being sensitive to their rights.
- Adopt a friendly, professional and helpful attitude in dealing with each other and the public.
- Avoid waste or extravagant use of associations’ resources.
- Neither takes nor seeks to take, the improper advantage of the association or business information acquired in the course of their duties.
While being part of WOBs JO, members are exposed to confidential information about stakeholders, other members and the organization as whole WOBs JO internal operations, planning, and programs are confidential to the association and are exclusive right to the association. Members are expected to respect confidentiality at all times and will refrain from sharing or disclosing to anyone, except in the responsible exercise of the job as confidential information should be shared only on a need-to-know basis.
To emphasize the importance of confidentiality, the subject is tackled during any new members joining orientation and all members are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, stating that they have read and understood the policy as part of the conditions of joining WOBs JO.
For the sake of clarity and confidentiality, are considered any type of information, data, and documentation not displayed publicly on WOBs JO website or public documents.
For the sake of clarity, are considered any type of information, data, and documentation not displayed publicly on WOBs JO website or public documents.
Any confidential information rendered public or disclosed willingly or unwillingly by a member is considered as a serious breach and is subject to a disciplinary action that can reach up to immediate and unconditional exclusion.
ConfideInformation Securityntiality
The purpose of information security is to ensure business continuity and minimize business damage by preventing and minimizing the impact of security incidents. Information security management enables information to be attained and shared while ensuring the protection of information and assets.
The information takes many forms. It can be stored on computers, transmitted across networks, printed out or written down on paper, and spoken in conversations. From a security perspective, appropriate protection should be applied to all forms of information, including papers, databases, films, models, tapes, contracts, conversations and any other methods used to convey knowledge and ideas. The association’s information and the IT systems and networks that it supports are important business assets. Their availability, integrity, and confidentiality are essential to maintain efficient operations, value for money, legal compliance, and a respected image.
- Members are not allowed to copy, transfer any information made available to them through their related activities.
- Members are responsible for protecting their information by proper password setting and protection, computer locking while leaving their work station, proper documentation filing, and restricted access to information for people not entitled to.
- In the event that a member is aware of a potential breach, they should be encouraged to report their concerns to WOBs JO board members through an official email with proven documentation.
Use of Association Assets
Any equipment made available for use by members remains the exclusive property of the association, equipment is to be used exclusively within a work context, and according to the rules drawn up by our association. The member will be held responsible for any damage to documents or equipment caused by his/her fault or negligence. Incorrect use or abuse of equipment will lead to disciplinary action. All objects belonging to WOB and must be returned by the member at the end of his/her membership.
Conflict of Interest
WOBs JO must be able to have trust and confidence in its members, who must at all times act in good faith with due regard for the best interests of the association. A potential or actual conflict of interest arises if and when a financial or other personal interest unduly influences your commitments and obligations to the association.
Members should avoid situations that may involve a conflict between personal interests and association’s interests.
Gifts And Favors
No member shall solicit or accept for personal use, or for the use of others, any gift, favor, loan, gratuity, reward, invitation, or any other thing of monetary value that might influence or appear to influence the judgment or conduct of the staff member vis-à-vis WOBs JO business.
Handling Financial Matters
Some roles are specifically designated to handle cash, therefore any money accepted on behalf of the association must be accounted for immediately and in accordance with formal instructions and approved financial system and a receipt written detailing the date, name of payee, amount and purpose of payment must be issued. Members must avoid giving cause for criticism that the money is being used directly for the personal benefit of members. Likewise, any money spent must be for legitimate business aims. Any use of cash to pay for services on behalf of the association is not accepted.