“Why And How?” The Launch Of
WOBs JO January 7th, 2019
Iman Al-Damen,
Women on Boards Jordan Chairwoman, addressed the opening session, saying that implementing good governance principles offers a key solution to solving women’s representation. Adopting those principles will convert women’s call for participation from a potential to a necessity.
Dr. Adel Sharkas,
Delivering the keynote address on behalf of the conference’s patron, Deputy Central Bank Governor Dr. Adel Sharkas contended that gender diversity in corporate boards has become a crucial requirement for social prosperity and economic growth in today’s world.
H.E. Tone Allers,
Presenting her country’s experience, H.E. Tone Allers, Norway’s Ambassador to Jordan, said women make up 40% of boards across all the listed companies in the stock market, pointing out that Norway was the first country to adopt gender parity.
Sa’ad Muasher,
Chairman of Jordan Ahli Bank, presented the audience with facts and figures on the impact of gender diversity in board membership as part of Jordan-Ahli Bank’s adoption of corporate governance principles.
Turid Solvang,
Founder and CEO of FutureBoards of Norway spoke about current and future trends in corporate governance.
Malak El-Nasser,
Board Member, WOBs JO chaired a panel discussion focusing on women’s social and economic inclusion or exclusion as a result of loopholes in the implementation of the Jordanian constitution in light of existing public policies.
Ibtissam El-Ayoubi,
Ahli Bank Board Member, chaired the second panel and spoke about the need to highlight the achievements of women who broke stereotypes and became role models, and thus can inspire other women to assert their capabilities.
Rana Salhab,
Board of Directors with Rana Salhab celebrating the amazing successful launch.
Yehia El Husseiny,
Corporate Governance Projects Manager for Egypt and Levant markets Middle East and North Africa at (IFC) – World Bank, provided latest statistics on the proven added value of bringing women on boards.
Nick Nadal,
Vice President and Board Secretary at Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance, spoke about the impact of enhancing gender diversity as part of corporate governance in the United Arab Emirates.
Rana Salhab,
member of the ME Executive Committee, Partner I Regional Talent and Communications at Deloitte & Touche about CLB’s – Career Limiting Behaviors.
Dr.Omar Daoud,
Co-founder and General Manager of the Law and Governance Center, spoke about the duties and responsibilities of board members from a legal perspective.